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The Importance of Faithfulness in the Life of the Believer
How do we facilitate more men and women in public office who are mature in Christ—governing authorities who have not only the courage to fight the right battles but also the strength, faithfulness, and perseverance to go the distance?
ContinueRalph Drollinger teaches these studies weekly to U.S. Senators and Representatives who meet in separate Bible studies every week on the Hill. He also taught the study to White House Cabinet Members and Senior staff who served during the Trump Administration. These former White House public servants continue to meet with Drollinger remotely every week to delve into the Word of God together.
CapMin’s First European Training Conference Attracts New Bible Teachers as well as 24 Political Leaders from 15 Nations
Strategically located in Brussels, Belgium, the training conference attracted more than 70 participants including members of the European Parliament, four members of national parliaments, a mayor, a governor, and many Bible teachers gathered to learn CapMin’s proven, time tested, and honed methodology for establishing and sustaining discipleship ministries for political leaders. Learn more…
Capitol Ministries’ Worldwide Team of Ministry Leaders!
Within the Great Commission is an emphasis to reach political leaders for Christ. Leading political leaders to the truth and discipling them to maturity in the Faith—not changing laws—must be the urgent mission of the church and every believer. Request a complimentary copy of the book and learn about this biblical strategy.
Praise for Oaks in Office
“I was a successful Eagle Scout because a Scoutmaster guided me through the Boy Scouts of America manual. I was a proficient Air Force pilot because an instructor taught me how to use a checklist. Ralph Drollinger is my life instructor, leading me and many other Public Servants through the most important checklist in history. Capitol Ministries’® work delving into Biblical truths is creating mighty Oaks in Office around the world. I suppose Ralph’s figurative cultivation, fertilization, and watering is making him the equivalent of a Biblical Johnny Appleseed!”