In all of our work, we are endeavoring to reach Public Servants for Christ at every stop along their career paths, beginning with their first local elected or appointed positions and following as they ascend to higher office.
By doing so, the impact of the Gospel will be increased in every strata of government as Public Servants who have been immersed in the Word of God move from tier to tier.
Our motivation for this work is found throughout the Bible when God commands that kings and leaders of nations be targeted to hear his Word, especially in fulfilling The Great Commission.
…bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel.— Acts 9:15
Since our founding in 1996, we have followed this command of God to reach this influential group of leaders, and we are using an all American icon — the baseball diamond — to illustrate our work.

City and County Governments
The United States has more than 33,000 incorporated city and county governments, but few of them have outposts for Christ. These birthplaces of Public Servants are the targets for our Local Government Ministry. It is our prayerful hope that biblical ministries of evangelism and discipleship eventually will be planted on thousands of government campuses across our nation.
First Base
State Capitols
Over the course of 19 years, Capitol Ministries has planted discipleship ministries in 43 state capitols to benefit state Representatives, Senators, and Constitutional Officers. Today, our work is continuing to establish identical ministries in the remaining state Capitols where the Word of God will be taught in weekly Bible studies.
Second Base
U.S. Capitol
In 2010 we achieved a long-term goal of planting a weekly discipleship Bible study in the U.S. Capitol for members of the House of Representatives. In 2016 we established an identical Bible study for U.S. Senators. Today, we rejoice in established thriving congressional ministries AND an additional Members Bible Studies to Members of the White House Cabinet.
Third Base
International. Capitols
We are continually recruiting and training Ministry Leaders to present biblical evangelism and discipleship ministries to the national political leaders in their own countries. Our objective is to plant 200 ministries in 200 Capitols around the world. As of 2018, we have birthed discipleship ministries in 24 international federal capitols across the globe.
As we work to fulfill The Great Commission by reaching this important people group, we invite you to partner with us in the crucial work of making disciples of Jesus Christ in political arenas throughout the world: from first base to home plate!
May God help us to partner together to create a Spirit-led movement for Christ amongst the political leaders of the world!
By faith we understand that the universe was ordered by the word of God, so that what is visible came into being through the invisible….And without faith it is impossible to please Him.
— Hebrews 11:3,6