Missouri Rep: CapMin Brings the Lord to the Roaring Wind of the Legislative Session
“As a Christian who is serving as a legislator, the most important part of the job is the understanding to discern between good and bad, and the courage to do what is good, while walking in His ways and keeping His statutes and commandments. As these things were true for King Solomon, so they are for us today. Capitol Ministries steps into the roaring wind, quake, and fire that is the legislative session and brings us the still small voice of the Lord. …And for everyone else, they need Jesus. But that’s what Capitol Ministries means to me (iron sharpening iron).”
— Sara Walsh, Missouri State Rep., District 50
Rep. Walsh is a sponsor of the Capitol Ministries Bible study led by Matt Goodsell. If you wish to support Pastor Goodsell’s ministry, learn more at capmin.org/missouri.