Believers Persecuting Believers?
In more than 40 years of ministry, it has been my experience that most of the time a believer’s greatest persecution comes from others who identify themselves as believers.
Why is that?
Remember that even the most faithful can be used by Satan if they are not careful. When Jesus was telling His disciples that He must suffer many things, Peter protested and denied that would happen. Jesus said to him: “Get Behind Me, Satan!” (Matthew 16:21–24). Jesus knew that Peter wasn’t Satan, but He made it clear that Peter was being influenced by Satan.
In addition to misguided believers, some people are Satan’s outright pawns who are determined to cause chaos and turmoil in the believer’s life. Jesus refers to them as tares.
An investigation of Scripture reveals that sometimes aggressive, attacking people are actually not believers—even though they say they are—but in reality, are agents of Satan who have a goal of robbing you of your joy and sidetracking you in your calling.
[Click here to read Ralph’s study, Nine Characteristics of Tares — The Believer’s Enemy]
You must be aware of this biblically evidenced truth and equipped to respond appropriately. Remember, Ephesians 6:12 states that “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but….against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” So beware!
Ralph Drollinger