WND – “Trump Cabinet Bible leader sets media straight on ‘God’s wrath'” April 18, 2020 by Capitol Ministries
“No, I Do Not Think The Coronavirus is God’s Judgment on Homosexuals Prominent Pastor Rebukes ‘Fake News’ ” – CBN Reports April 4, 2020 by Capitol Ministries
White House’s Judd Deere Publicly Condemned Drollinger without Checking Facts March 27, 2020 by Capitol Ministries
Capitol Ministries Provides the “Meat and Potatoes” of Bible studies in D.C. February 28, 2020 by Capitol Ministries
How the ROWDY week in D.C. shows the importance of discipleship Bible studies! February 7, 2020 by Capitol Ministries
Dr. Ben Carson to Ministry Leaders: Attacks for being Faithful to God’s Word are “Nothing” Compared to Eternity January 4, 2020 by Capitol Ministries