New Ministry to Brazil Congress: “This is What We Were Waiting For!”
A ministry to the National Congress of Brazil has launched to enthusiastic senators and deputies who have been eagerly anticipating the Bible study that will be taught weekly by a local pastor-teacher in their national capitol where laws are enacted.
“This is what we were waiting for!” said Deputy Silas Câmara. A pastor, Deputy Câmara is also President of the Evangelical Front for Evangelicals Members of the House of Representatives and was instrumental in creating the ministry.
His sentiments were echoed by Senator Zequinha Marinho who represents the State of Para, and who has also supported the Capitol Ministries effort from the beginning.
“I am so glad that Capitol Ministries is finally here to serve our politicians, not only in Brasilia, but all over the country,” he said.
Capitol Ministries’ newest discipleship Bible study ministry was kicked off at an August 29 celebratory breakfast in the Noble Hall of the Chamber of Deputies with 75 persons attending, including five senators, several deputies and advisors as well as pastors and other leaders.
Eleven legislators attended the formal Bible study that began on September 3. The study was led by Pastor Raul Ferreira, Jr. who will be conducting weekly Bible Studies to members of the Senate, the House of Representatives and the President’s Cabinet.
Pastor Ferreira asked that the first Bible study be opened in prayer by his friend and colleague Pastor Perry Gauthier, Capitol Ministries North America Director. Pastor Ferreira held a telephone inside the room in the Brasilia National Capitol building while Pastor Gauthier prayed from Nebraska.
The first study Pastor Ferreira taught was The Missing Mandate of Modern Missions, a study authored by Ralph Drollinger that had been translated into Portuguese. The study addresses the biblical priority and mandate to minister to kings and leaders of nations.
“The ministry start-up in Brasilia was wonderful,” said Drollinger, President and founder of Capitol Ministries, who traveled to Brazil for the launch with his wife and ministry partner, Danielle.
“It was probably the strongest start we’ve ever accomplished in terms of the number of public servants on board, the ministry team formation, and wide-ranging support.”
Before the launch, the Drollingers visited with President Jair Bolsonaro’s Chief of Staff, Ónyx Lorenzoni, a long-time Christian who was enthusiastic about the ministries and offered his support.
A primary sponsor of the ministry is the congregation of Capital Baptist Church and Senior Pastor Gilberto Wegermann, who has been working with Capitol Ministries since early 2018.
The discipleship Bible study to Brazil’s National Congress is the latest in a number of new ministries that have been created to legislators in Latin America nations since Oscar Zamora was named Global Director for the region in 2017.
Traveling from their home country of Peru to Brazil to meet with political, religious and community leaders, Zamora and Elizabeth, his wife and ministry partner, have been working for more than a year to birth the ministry.
Working with Zamora on the Brazil ministry planting was Giovaldo Freitas, Baptist pastor for 27 years, and former executive director of Willow Creek Brazil, who has been named Capitol Ministries national director for Brazil.
Under the leadership of Zamora and Pastor Freitas, Capitol Ministries Bible studies have been translated into Spanish and Portuguese so legislators may study them in their own language. The men are also supervising the translation of Drollinger’s books, Oaks in Office: Biblical Essays for Political Leaders, and Rebuilding a Nation, the Biblical Blueprint.
In addition to Brazil, Bible study discipleship ministries have launched to federal political leaders in Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Costa Rica. Work is underway to establish studies in Panama and Argentina and officially begin in Nicaragua.