Do you see the need for discipleship amongst our elected leaders?
This four-volume set leads the believer on an exciting and progressive faith journey that helps create a strong spiritual foundation, shape character, increase faith, as well as examine crucial policy issues through the timeless lens of God’s Word.
Order a set today for yourself and your representatives.
The mighty oak tree spends the majority of its strength fortifying its infrastructure so that its roots will sustain the long sweeping branches that it will push up to twenty-five feet outward and parallel to the ground. It drives its roots deep into the earth, anchoring it firmly so it may stand steadfast in powerful storms that topple other weaker trees around it. Only a small bit of its energy is spent on external growth, expanding its trunk and stretching its boughs toward the sky.
It is our prayer to mature the Christian Public Servant in this way, with the development of the inner person. A steady diet of sound Biblical doctrine will grow Public Servants in their faith. Regular Bible study will help them develop critical discernment that will guide and sustain them in battles over controversial and trendy issues. Anchored in truth and righteousness, they will stand resolute and unwavering amid the storms of political debate. Scriptural Truth and God’s precepts that have rooted in their hearts will lead them as they create public policy. This is our prayer and the reason for this book.
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Order a set today for yourself and your representatives.
Benjamin S. Carson Sr., MD
Oaks in Office is a wonderful gift from Ralph Drollinger who has dedicated much of his life to public servants who wish to maintain and enhance their faith and character while navigating the often complex landscape of government life. It is a scholarly yet easily understood tome with great lessons for everyone.
Rick Perry, Former Governor of Texas
I was a successful Eagle Scout because a Scoutmaster guided me through the Boy Scouts of America manual. I was a proficient Air Force pilot because an instructor taught me how to use a checklist. Ralph Drollinger is my life instructor, leading me, and many other Public Servants through the most important checklist in history. Capitol Ministries’ work delving into Biblical truths is creating mighty Oaks in Office around the world. I suppose Ralph’s figurative cultivation, fertilization, and watering is making him the equivalent of a biblical Johnny Appleseed!
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