U.S. Rep Garrett: Best Bible Study On The Hill
There are various Bible studies on the Hill. There are prayer gatherings where you get together for coffee to pray, there is another study where someone will bring up a Scripture and we talk about it. I was at one of the other Bible studies where someone said, “Let’s time this to see how long it takes before we get off Scripture and on to other topics.” So we timed it and we spent eight minutes on Scripture, and I think that is the longest we’ve ever gone.
The Members Bible Study that I go to with Ralph and Danielle is the most in-depth Bible study on the Hill. It’s a really in-depth look at the Word. Ralph’s studies offer an exegetical analysis of Scripture, and he is very knowledgeable in Greek translations which lead to a fuller comprehension of the passages.
One Bible study that has impacted me is Are you a Tritutionalist or a Pentetutionalist? that examines the five institutions created by God: marriage, family, church, government, and commerce.
As I consider legislation, this study has helped me focus on what God intends for each of the institutions he created. I contemplate, is the area under marriage, family, church, or is it government or commerce? God has a layout, a plan for each of those areas. This is important to consider because if we allow government to get inappropriately involved in another institution’s domain, it will then bulldoze the other areas and cause life to go a little askew because of it.
The Members Bible studies give a greater understanding of Scripture, especially as it pertains to our lives as leaders. As Ralph often points out, so much of the work of the apostles was speaking to the leaders of their day.
– U.S. Representative Scott Garrett, New Jersey, 5th Congressional District