What has gone wrong with the presidency?
June 2014
The last several weeks of breaking scandals reveal something is terribly wrong, and our quarterly GDP just dropped 2.9%, the largest plummet since the 1940s.
The President reveals the answer in his own book: he spends a chapter arguing that there is no such thing as absolute truth. As such, he is our country’s first Postmodern President. Postmodernism is a philosophy that says absolute truth does not exist, that all viewpoints are equally valid.
Congressional Committee investigations are classic examples of these clashing world views — Absolutists who believe that truth is objective confronting Postmodernists who don’t believe in right or wrong!
America is great to the degree she is biblically based. Abandoning God does not, cannot, and will not result in national excellence. It never has and it never will. Indeed, truth is absolute! Amen!
Ralph Drollinger
President and Founder
Capitol Ministries