Mike Shreve
State Director, CaliforniaThe gifted and experienced Bible teacher has been the Ministry Leader to Members of the California Legislature since 2015. An experience mountain climber, he also leads believers on hikes where they may worship among the beauty of God’s creation. He has also climbed the vertical granite monolith El Capitan in Yosemite National Park and slept in a hammock hanging off its face. Many times, he’s hiked the 215-mile John Muir Trail that stretches from Yosemite across the Ansel Adams Wilderness and ends at Mount Whitney which, at 14,496 feet, is the highest peak in the Continental United States. As Ministry Leader to Members of the California Legislature, Pastor Shreve believes deeply what Psalm 127:1 teaches: Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman keeps wake in vain.
“I am a shepherd. That is who God wired me to be. I’ve been up in the mountains shepherding a few sheep, and now God is bringing me down to the valley to shepherd giants.”