Rus Willette
State Director, MaineRus Willette worked with The Navigators Christian ministry helping to create ministries on college campuses throughout Maine. He learned about Capitol Ministries after he sensed a call from God to go to the capitol campus and minister to political leaders. He will create a discipleship ministry to members of the Maine legislature.
In all of our work, we are endeavoring to reach Public Servants for Christ at every stop along their career paths, beginning with their first local elected or appointed positions and following as they ascend to higher office.
By doing so, the impact of the Gospel will be increased in every strata of government as Public Servants who have been immersed in the Word of God move from tier to tier.
Our motivation for this work is found throughout the Bible when God commands that kings and leaders of nations be targeted to hear his Word, especially in fulfilling The Great Commission.
…bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel. — Acts 9:15
Pray along with us as Rus continues this important work in Maine’s capitol and check back soon for more updates.