Proverb 6:17b—The Shedding of Innocent Blood—and Political Party Platforms
I think it’s timely and important to publish a portion of a Bible study I recently completed, that in part exegetes what God’s Word says about protecting the unborn. Below is a section from “Sorting Out Love and Hate in an Election Season, Part II,” I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you to be discerning as you study His Word on this life-or-death issue.
In Him,
Ralph Drollinger
President & Founder
Capitol Ministries
With crystal-clear instruction from God’s Word, combined with the biblical and scientifically authenticating FACTS that life begins and exists in the womb, every individual, local, state, and federal government, and every national political party platform should decry, hate abortion—the shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17b)! God’s Word says this sin is putrid in His nostrils.
God hates the hands of those that shed innocent blood, be it inside the womb or murder of any sort.1 Note the powerful, summary words of commentator John A. Kitchen on this wicked abomination:
How descriptive of modern life, where thousands upon thousands of children are killed while yet in their mother’s womb, all because of some perceived right to make a “choice!”2 God announces us as an abomination and declares His hatred of our ways.3
Fifty years of Roe vs. Wade’s abortion on demand nationalized the supposed “right” to kill innocent human beings. This resulted in a societal shift. People became desensitized to baby killing which led to a numbing of the national conscience and the dismantling of our biblical and long-standing conviction that everyone—including unborn babies—has a right to live. It has seemingly, in our generation, led us to believe that the shedding of innocent blood is acceptable in the eyes of God. It is not; this passage clearly states that God hates murder and so should you and I!
It stands to reason that if you desire to please God with your life, you won’t be pro-murder.
On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade which expunged the constitutionally unfounded national “right” to an abortion and returned to the states the authority to regulate through laws, the moral decision on abortion. Accordingly, and in light of that, this passage should serve as the ultimate, preeminent informant to state decision makers. Considering this Scripture against shedding innocent blood, can state lawmakers grant citizens a license for in-the-womb homicide? Incumbent in this biblical passage is this: Legalizing abortion radically alters the individuals’ and the states’ standing with God; He now finds them abominable versus being in a position to receive His blessing. Memorize and meditate on this passage: the Lord hates … it is an abomination to Him … hands that shed innocent blood.
Summarily, in the larger context of the passage, King Solomon of Israel is instructing his son, Rehoboam, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that as the next political leader of the country, he must publicly stand for life—no matter what the consensus of the people might be regarding this—he must be adamantly pro-life no matter the cost if he desires God’s blessing on his leadership and the nation. Keep in mind when Ronald Reagan ran for his second term, he had already written the book, Abortion & the Conscience of a Nation. Everyone knew where he stood on the issue—adamantly pro-life. God blessed him; he won the electoral college in 49 out of 50 states.4
Not All Sins Are Illegal
In America, not all biblically-pronounced sins are deemed illegal, including gluttony, adultery, drunkenness, and homosexuality. Should abortion fall into that category? No. So why not?
All states deem homicidal acts of whatever varying degree, to be illegal. Since abortion is the taking of another’s life (babies in the womb have different DNA than the mother), it stands to reason that the killing of a human being needs to be, in a federalist form of government, illegal in every state that is desirous of God’s blessing.
God is not okay with abortion, nor should any political party be okay with abortion, nor should the state that you live in be okay with abortion, nor should you or I be okay with abortion. Like God, we should hate abortion.
For a more comprehensive understanding on this subject, please see my Bible study, “God’s View on Babies, Inside and Outside the Womb.”
1 “Choice” is a deceitful diversion that circumvents and perverts the real issue. A woman may choose what happens to her body, but an unborn child is not her body; he is a separate human being from the point of conception with different DNA, whose life, like all human beings, biblically and explicitly, deserves State protection (cf. Romans 13:1-8; 1 Peter 2:13-14). No state or federal law grants anyone the “right” to “choose” to slay an innocent human being. The “right” to “choose” should never be postulated as a license for murder!
2 John Kitchen, Proverbs, (Christian Focus Publications, Geanies House, Scotland, 2006) p 143.
3 Kitchen, Proverbs, p 144.
4 President Biden misrepresented statistics in a post-NATO televised press conference on July 11, 2024, when he said, “More children are killed by a bullet than any other cause of death.” Statistics show that abortion is the number one killer of children. Pew Research reported that 2,590 children and teens were killed by guns in 2021, and that figure includes suicides. (John Gramlich, “What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.,” April 26, 2023, Pew Research Center, In that same year, Pew Research reported that 625,978 babies were killed by abortions in the District of Columbia and the 46 states with available data for 2021. (Jeff Diamant, Besheer Mohamed, and Rebecca Leppert, “What the data says about abortion in the U.S.,” March 25, 2024, Pew Research Center, In fact, Louisiana Right to Life reports that every day, 2,350 babies die in abortion in the U.S. More than 64 million unborn children have died since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that provided for, and blanketed all state laws to the contrary, abortions on demand. (National Right to Life, press release, Jan. 20, 2023, “More than 64 Million Unborn Children Have Died Since Roe v. Wade,”