“Why do you Bother to Minister to Politicians?” the Pastor Asked a CapMin Ministry Leader… (and therein lies the tale)
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“Why do you bother to minister to politicians?” the pastor asked, sincerely perplexed. “What use is it to teach them the Bible? Their minds are already made up and so many of them are lost.”
The pastor asked the question to Torrey Lewis, a CapMin Local Government Ministries (LGM) leader in Hillsboro, Oregon, at the Pastor Appreciation Day (PAD) in Los Angeles, California on May 10.
The pastor was visiting the Capitol Ministries booth where we displayed a banner which asked, “With our nation in turmoil, why are political leaders the most neglected mission field in America today?”
Torrey was participating in the event along with Ralph Drollinger, CapMin President and Founder, Mike Shreve, California ministry leader, and George Wiley, volunteer.
Torrey quoted 1 Timothy 2:1-2: First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.
Torrey explained to the pastor that the Bible commands believers to minister to kings and all who are in authority not only to secure precious souls in eternity, but also so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. In other words, a consequence of our obedience will be to impact society for God.
“I told him that we approach political public servants with the true teaching of the Word of God and build relationships with them, so that they can see Christ’s love.
“Without the power of God’s Word, all is lost, but with God’s Word, all things can be accomplished. Prayer, patience, and persistence can change the direction of people’s lives,” Torrey said.
For decades many pastors have taught from pulpits that believers should avoid all involvement with government because it is evil. Consequently, disciples of Jesus Christ are increasingly underrepresented in government. This has resulted in a society built upon policies and laws that reflect secular beliefs.
But the Bible teaches that God created government (Romans 13:1) and places a high priority on teaching political leaders God’s Word—first in priority. Ralph Drollinger has written the book, All in Authority, Reigniting the Bible’s Top-Down Missions Strategy which provides the biblical exegesis for ministering to political leaders.
It is CapMin’s mission to teach pastors and church leaders about the biblical mandate as well as partner with them to lead weekly Bible studies to city and county public servants in their neighborhoods. The Los Angeles conference is one of 40 such events that CapMin leaders will patriciate in this year in an effort to get the word out nation-wide.
At the beginning of the Los Angeles event, Ralph spoke to the 200 participants about the biblical missiology and invited them to partner with CapMin to establish discipleship Bible studies for their community’s city and county public servants.
At the CapMin booth, pastors and church leaders were offered complimentary copies of the books All in Authority, and Oaks in Office: Biblical Essays for Political Leaders, ministry brochures, in-depth Bible studies that have been written specifically for political leaders, and other material.
Torrey said the pastor who asked him the profound question of the day did not sign up to lead a LGM Bible study, but that he came to understand the biblical missiology and the importance of teaching public servants God’s Word.
Capitol Ministries will be explaining our mission to 20,000 pastors and church leaders this year at Salem Media Group’s 19 Pastor Appreciation Days and at Southern Baptist and Independent Baptist Conventions, both state and national meetings.
CapMin is the primary national sponsor of Christian broadcasting giant, Salem Media Group’s 19 PADs that they are hosting in association with their owned and operated local radio station affiliates.
Ralph asks supporters to join us in prayer that this year-long effort will result in tremendous fruit, take hold, and catch fire across America:
“The future of our nation depends upon the local church taking the gospel to public servants and discipling them through weekly in-depth Bible studies.”