Michael Johnson
State Director, MontanaIt’s not that better laws aren’t important, but Pastor Johnson, the lead teaching pastor at the Big Sky Fellowship Church in Helena, wasn’t called to lobby, he was called to preach and teach. But the request had come from the Executive Director of the Southern Baptist Convention in Montana, and so he accepted Ralph and Danielle Drollinger’s invitation to lunch. What he learned from the Drollingers excited him and taught this Great Commission enthusiast something new about Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples of all the nations.” Of course he had read Matthew 28:16-20 many times, but it was not until Ralph pointed out that the Bible placed a high priority on reaching kings and those in authority, did he see that set aside people group as a specific Great Commission mission field. After that illuminating meeting, Pastor Johnson joined with Capitol Ministries, successfully completed the required training, and will be leading a weekly CapMin discipleship Bible study ministry to members of the Montana Legislature and Constitutional Officers. He will also continue as pastor at Big Sky Fellowship. Capitol Ministries has been searching for the right man to create a ministry in Montana for 10 years.
“I never thought about political leaders before I read Ralph’s book, Rebuilding America: A Biblical Blueprint. So much of the Bible is directed a political leaders. And when 1 Timothy 2:1-4 talks about taking the gospel to political leaders, the word “protos” is used, which means first in importance. I think the church has missed something and has neglected this important mission field. People I’ve talked to are more excited about this ministry than anything else we’re doing.”