Joseph Green
State Director, PennsylvaniaIn teaching biblical foundations classes over the years, Dr. Green has discovered that many Christians do not fully understand the concepts of “apologetics” or a “Christian worldview” and that this results in a disconnect between who they profess to be and how they behave. His mission is to help believers “connect the dots” by teaching them that Christian apologetics is to “contend for the faith” and holding a biblical worldview means that the faith that we confess as believers should shape how we perceive the world.
“My prayer is that Christian legislators on both sides of the aisle will unite under a biblical worldview because I strongly believe that the foundational principles of the Bible represent humanity’s only hope for success. We see the tenets of biblical Christianity under attack in the public sector and in the political realm. We are called to be ambassadors of the faith and ministers of reconciliation. We are obligated to fellow believers and to the world at large to be the mouthpiece for the kingdom of God. My desire is to give Christian legislators the opportunity to help them fulfill their God-given
mandate as ministers of Christ.”